[Tox Support] About licenses of using toxcore for a free public applicaton

Nocs ... NoCos30 at hotmail.com
Wed Nov 15 22:50:26 UTC 2017

Hello toxers,

its been a long time and since i am on the latest test of some application of mine that uses tox-core shared library i wanted to ask you

about the license of toxcore.

Do i need to place anything on my application as text, inside or outisde as a file if i make my application public ?

The application is a free in all its services but not an open source code application.

I haven`t modified any code inside tox i only use the tox-core as is from the shared library and i use the code and functions i need from inside it.

What kind of license thing does tox need to be inside my app and how can i use it if anything is needed ?

Thanks in advance

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