[Tox Support] Right Order of commands from Tox

Nocs ... NoCos30 at hotmail.com
Sat Nov 12 14:15:31 UTC 2016

Hello again,

I am trying with c-toxcore to make a main.cpp and use the Tox.h and tox.cpp

I would like to know if anyone can guide me to the right direction and order of commands as below or how the commands order and commands

are should be :

int main(){

     variable tox create new tox

     (create a new toxID) or (use an allready created toxID)

     create and start the server to the specific ip, port, and anything else is needed

     try to connect to other tox client created in the same way as above with ToxID or internet or how it is connected.

     close the connection with the other client

     close the server



I am trying to find these commands by including tox.h to test and understand how to use the commands but i have some issues

can anyone point me or give a right way to do it ?

Thank you all in advance for your time and guidance

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