[General] Repos are useless

rugk rugk at posteo.de
Tue May 31 11:58:32 UTC 2016

Also there are static binary downloads for uTox (under "all platforms")

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Am 31.05.2016 06:48 schrieb Lugarius Enerugi Albe:
> Why not adding the static binaries as default download?
> I am forced to use them anyway because the repos are not working.
> And the normal users just don't want adding repos after pressing an
> download button, reading a message
> '''Thanks for downloading '''. Without anything is downloading. ...
> then another link that shows you commands to make your computer able
> to install your stuff. ... and if the non geek user read 5min an
> document explaining how to use a Terminal, copy pastes the commands to
> it.... and still after 6min of trying to install, the user pressed an
> download button and Tox said
>  "Thank you for downloading"...
> 80% off all normies continue to use there old messenger...
> Is this your goal? Baiting the potential user with " easy to use " and
> says after pressing the download button : " Haha, did you thought that
> you can just download our awesome software? LOL no. .. you have to add
> non working repos and we trolled you noob! "
> Is this for Tox "easy to use"?
> Can you please remove the repo joke?
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