[Tox Support] LAN peer autodiscovery

☣Adam adam at dc949.org
Mon Jun 19 16:36:35 UTC 2017

Peer finding is done with a distributed hash table. If you're not familiar
with the protocol, https://wiki.tox.chat/users/nodes can fill you in on how
viewing is done. If you were to run a bootstrap node on a LAN, and the
other clients knew it's IP address, port, and public key. So the protocol
certainly allows this as a possibility, but things might get wonky when you
have internal IPs in the DHT, so it would probably *only* work on the LAN,
but it sounds like this is what you are looking for.

Any client which allows specifying the bootstrap node should be able to do
this. I'm not familiar with enough with the different clients to know which
specific implementations support this (either in their UI or on the command
line). Hopefully this helps answer your question.

On Jun 19, 2017 9:41 AM, "Amuza" <amuza at riseup.net> wrote:

Hi again,

Does anyone know if any Tox client is capable of finding peers within
the LAN and communicate with them when there is no Internet?


On 14/06/17 16:31, Amuza wrote:
> Hi there,
> Is there any Tox client that automatically does LAN peer discovery when
> bootstrapping?
> Community networks often do not have a stable connection to the
> Internet. The causes could be technical, economical or even political
> (Internet shutdowns exist). Having that feature would be a step towards
> real decentralization. People would be able to communicate within the
> community no matter what the status of the gateways are.
> Thanks!
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