[Tox Support] Tox chat advice needed

Nocs ... NoCos30 at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 11 05:20:04 UTC 2016

Hi nurupo,

Thanks for your nice and very detailed answer.

I dont think it is a problem using toxID
But i would like to ask also just to be sure if i could use it cause i only tested it to check if it connects p2p, i didnt check for stored data or anything else yet.

I would like to know first of all if anything, even a temp file is stored while i am using Tox even if i run the program even when i close it

cause i prefer not to store anything on local computer even when running except ofcourse from memory data needed from the program while running (is this possible in the core functions to avoid logs, temp files, and especially loggin initials) ?

And second i would like to know if i can create automatic this ToxID for evey member and only once for any member, for example if a new member joins into my app, a new ToxId will be created automatically behind the scenes and will be used for the reason of chat between other members by exchanging automatic this ToxID behind the scenes if the member chooses to speak with another member from a list or choosing to chat in a public room by using his ToxID behind the scenes always automatic

Not even the member who uses it knows his ToxID in other words and not even the other one who chooses to speak to knows their ToxID

Since it is a sign up member chat system and the toxID can be created once automatically noone have to know noones ToxID

they can see the list of people though that can contact too or join a private chat for example with a list of nicknames (people) to chat to.

From: Support <support-bounces at lists.tox.chat> on behalf of nurupo <nurupocontributions at gmail.com>
Sent: Friday, November 11, 2016 4:04:26 AM
To: support at lists.tox.chat
Subject: Re: [Tox Support] Tox chat advice needed


If all you want is a library for network communication that implements NAT pass-through, you might want to look into Raknet library or find similar libraries.

You could use Tox in your application, but it might be an overkill for what you need. All Tox clients use Toxcore library for networking and encryption. Toxcore encrypts all the communication and it doesn't allow you to specify an IP address of the person you want to connect to, you have to use ToxID instead of IP. Toxcore uses DHT to perform the lookup of the IP:port of the person you want to connect to based on the ToxID, and it keeps the IP:port information internally, it's not exposed in the public API of Toxcore. Because Tox participates in DHT, interacting with other DHT peers, it uses some extra bandwidth, which might not be desirable for your use. It can easily use a few hundred of MiBs of bandwidth in an hour. If this is fine by you, then you might be interested in looking at https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/blob/master/toxcore/tox.h

On Thu, Nov 10, 2016 at 3:20 PM, Nocs ... <NoCos30 at hotmail.com<mailto:NoCos30 at hotmail.com>> wrote:

Hello to all,

First of all thanks and congruts for the great chat and finally p2p with no servers needed :)

I was stumble upon NAT and connections between two ips for a very long time until someone eventually pointed me at this very good application.
Exactly what i was looking for.

To short things out for what i would like as an advice is that i am newbie c++ developer and i would like to use

only the connections of tox chat not the interfave cause i allready have my own but i found hard to understand which of all the clients or which

open source git to search for.

I would like to use the tox only for windows for the time being not posix or at least only windows, macintosh and linux

so i want to find where to start from, which git should i download of them all and a small way to find only the connections from inside this wonderfull chat. (create socket, bind socket, listen socket, send and recieve message with the ips others or ids)

I dont want the interface neither any fancy stuff, i just want to be able to find the code that connects 2 pc`s or more through internet so i can attach it to my own interface.

Thank you in advance

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