[Tox Support] Tox Audio Send and Recieve Advice ?

Nocs ... NoCos30 at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 8 17:57:35 UTC 2016

I get always this cause is inside the loop until i exit after the call is answered by the other client which uses the same send and recieve functions as this

both clients outputs this error in the send function


printf("Audio Parameteres Invalid !\n");

From: Support <support-bounces at lists.tox.chat> on behalf of Zetok Zalbavar <zetok at openmailbox.org>
Sent: Thursday, December 8, 2016 7:38:30 PM
To: support at lists.tox.chat
Subject: Re: [Tox Support] Tox Audio Send and Recieve Advice ?

On 08.12.2016 17:29, Nocs ... wrote:
> Hello to all again,
> I am trying to send audio through tox with portaudio and opus encoding, i test them both in local and has good quality
> and i try to send the appropiate variables through toxav_audio_send_frame() but it returns the TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_INVALID error all the time.
> Can anyone give a hand what variables to place inside the toxav_audio_send_frame() function ?
> This code is portaudio and opus for local tests working good :
> // initialize opus
> encr = opus_encoder_create(TestSampleRate, TestChannels, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, NULL);
> decr = opus_decoder_create(TestSampleRate, TestChannels, NULL);
> while (connected){
>     //// With Opus Encoding - Decoding
>     Pa_ReadStream(TestStream, captured.data(), TestBufferSize);
>     enc_bytes = opus_encode(encr, reinterpret_cast<opus_int16 const*>(captured.data()), TestBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<opus_uint8*>(encoded.data()), encoded.size());
>     dec_bytes = opus_decode(decr, reinterpret_cast<opus_uint8*>(encoded.data()), enc_bytes, reinterpret_cast<opus_int16*>(decoded.data()), TestBufferSize, 0);
>     Pa_WriteStream(TestStream, decoded.data(), TestBufferSize);
> }
> And here in this code i try to recieve and send with the above code through Tox but cant make it cause of wrong parameters :
> // initialize opus
> encr = opus_encoder_create(TestSampleRate, TestChannels, OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO, NULL);
> decr = opus_decoder_create(TestSampleRate, TestChannels, NULL);
> while (connected){
>     //// With Opus Encoding
>     Pa_ReadStream(TestStream, captured.data(), TestBufferSize);
>     enc_bytes = opus_encode(encr, reinterpret_cast<opus_int16 const*>(captured.data()), TestBufferSize, reinterpret_cast<opus_uint8*>(encoded.data()), encoded.size());
>     size_t SampleCounter = ((TestSampleRate)* (enc_bytes) / 1000);
>     TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME SendAudioError;
>     toxav_audio_send_frame(avtox, FriendID, reinterpret_cast<int16_t*>(encoded.data()), SampleCounter, (uint8_t)TestChannels, (uint32_t)TestSampleRate, &SendAudioError);
>     switch (SendAudioError) {
>         case TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME_OK:
>             printf("Audio Frame Sended OK \n");
>             break;
>             printf("The Audio Samples were NULL !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Audio Send Friend not Found !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Friend Not In Audio Call with You !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Audio Syncronization Failed !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Audio Parameteres Invalid !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Audio Disabled By Friend or You !\n");
>             break;
>             printf("Audio Failed To Send Frame !\n");
>             break;
>     }
>     Pa_Sleep(1000);
> }
> static void t_toxav_receive_audio_frame_cb(ToxAV *av, uint32_t friend_number, int16_t const *pcm, size_t sample_count, uint8_t channels, uint32_t sampling_rate, void *user_data){
>     dec_bytes = opus_decode(decr, reinterpret_cast<opus_uint8*>(&pcm), (opus_int32)sample_count, reinterpret_cast<opus_int16*>(decoded.data()), TestBufferSize, 0);
>     Pa_WriteStream(TestStream, decoded.data(), TestBufferSize);
> }
> Can anyone advice me what to enter as parameters in the toxav_audio_send_frame() and in static void t_toxav_receive_audio_frame_cb() ?
> sorry for my noobish question and thanks for your time but i really need to make it work and i almost combined many variables and couldnt make it
> someone with good knowledge on what to send i think is very easy to tell me what vars should i use in the send and recieve function
> Thanks in advance

What is the error you're getting?


Kind regards,
Zetok Zalbavar

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