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<p>Thank you for your response,</p>
<p>yes i will reply to all, sorry for that reply only to your respond.</p>
<p>I dont know yet all the functions or bugs or updates that toxcore have so with the word stable i was refering to
<p>a toxcore version that bugs from time to time (if any) are solved (updates for e.x.)</p>
<p>If the toxcore dont have updates and the updates are only for the interface it doesn`t matter for me i only need the updates of the toxcore.</p>
<p>The links you provide <a href="http://aka.ms/weboutlook" id="LPNoLP"></a>are ok but since i cant compile it in windows for posix and make my own dll i was asking where could i get after any update the latest dll of the toxcore ready and builded without having
from me to recompile the hole toxcore cause i cant.</p>
<p>Is this link <a href="https://build.tox.chat/view/libtoxcore/" class="x_OWAAutoLink">
https://build.tox.chat/view/libtoxcore/</a> ok for finding the latest toxcore in dll ready and builded ?</p>
<p>Thanks in advance <img class="x_EmojiInsert" id="OWAEmoji457018" alt="" style="vertical-align:bottom" src="">
i am very glad i could finally make it work in mvs <br>
<div id="x_Signature"></div>
<hr tabindex="-1" style="display:inline-block; width:98%">
<div id="x_divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" color="#000000" style="font-size:11pt"><b>From:</b> Support <support-bounces@lists.tox.chat> on behalf of nurupo via Support <support@lists.tox.chat><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Friday, November 25, 2016 7:37:45 AM<br>
<b>To:</b> support@lists.tox.chat<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [Tox Support] Toxcore in a lib or dll ?</font>
<div> </div>
<font size="2"><span style="font-size:10pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Hi,<br>
The links point to the latest <a href="https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore">https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore</a>
cross-compiled for Windows.<br>
Whenever a commit is pushed to <a href="https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore">https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore</a>, the
build machine automatically rebuilds it and produces new .dll.<br>
It's not "stable" though. Toxcore does releases <br>
<a href="https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/releases">https://github.com/TokTok/c-toxcore/releases</a>, which is what you would
consider stable, but the build machine builds .dll based on the most <br>
recent development progress. We might add stable toxcore builds to the <br>
build server at some point in the future, though I can't promise that.<br>
Btw, instead of replying to me in private, it's better if you replied to <br>
the entire Support mailing list, so that our conversation would be <br>
archived in case someone has similar question to yours in the future.<br>
On 2016-11-24 22:32, Nocs ... wrote:<br>
> Hi nurupo<br>
> <br>
> Yes the dll version of toxcore it works in MVS :) i tested with echo<br>
> bot as the tutorial says and though in the first time it didnt connect<br>
> at all<br>
> <br>
> it did actually came up that it is working fine ...<br>
> <br>
> Where can i find the latest toxcore builded in dll with headers and<br>
> the lib as the below links cause i can`t compile it my own from posix,<br>
> i really need the latest stable compiled dll as the links below and i<br>
> will handle the rest.<br>
> <br>
> Thank you in advance nurupo :D<br>
> <br>
> -------------------------<br>
> <br>
> FROM: Support <support-bounces@lists.tox.chat> on behalf of nurupo via<br>
> Support <support@lists.tox.chat><br>
> SENT: Wednesday, November 16, 2016 7:27 AM<br>
> TO: support@lists.tox.chat<br>
> SUBJECT: Re: [Tox Support] Toxcore in a lib or dll ?<br>
> <br>
> Hi,<br>
> <br>
> It's always better to build the library yourself the way you want.<br>
> <br>
> You could try using the dlls built by our build server. They are built<br>
> <br>
> using mingw-w64, don't know if they can be used with MSVC.<br>
> The builds are based on the master branch of toktok/c-toxcore, not on<br>
> a<br>
> stalbe release of it.<br>
> <br>
> <a href="https://build.tox.chat/view/libtoxcore/job/libtoxcore-toktok_build_windows_x86_shared_release/">
> <a href="https://build.tox.chat/view/libtoxcore/job/libtoxcore-toktok_build_windows_x86-64_shared_release/">
> <br>
> ---<br>
> Regards,<br>
> nurupo<br>
> <br>
> On 2016-11-15 17:49, Nocs ... wrote:<br>
>> Is there any possibillity to be able to find the toxcore as lib or<br>
> dll<br>
>> file and use it in a windows app ? to call the function of the dll<br>
> or<br>
>> lib from a main.cpp ?<br>
>> <br>
>> Thanks in advance for your time and undestanding<br>
>> _______________________________________________<br>
>> Support mailing list<br>
>> Support@lists.tox.chat<br>
>> <a href="https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support">https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support</a><br>
> _______________________________________________<br>
> Support mailing list<br>
> Support@lists.tox.chat<br>
> <a href="https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support">https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support</a><br>
Support mailing list<br>
<a href="https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support">https://lists.tox.chat/listinfo/support</a><br>